Vinyl Matte Stickers
Aside from gloss finish, matte is another option when it comes to stickers. Matte does not emit a shiny effect and is not smooth like gloss, but it also has advantages that can make it as appealing or better than regular or gloss stickers. Here are some reasons why Matte Stickers could be the choice for you.
They Look Professional
Matte helps stickers look more professional because of the subdued look it presents. When something looks professional, it also looks credible. This will help your brand build credibility and a good impression with consumers, especially new ones.
They Look Clear
The difference between gloss and matte is that it doesn’t shine. Glare reflected from gloss can potentially impede consumers from seeing what’s on the sticker. Matte eliminates this problem. This is especially helpful when the contents of the sticker are mostly text. Consumers will be able to easily read the content, even from a distance or when the lighting is bright.
They Have a Nice Texture
Matte has this a flat texture that is neither too smooth nor rough. Its unique feel can create an impression on your audience, enabling them to remember your brand better. It also helps them distinguish your stickers from those given out by other companies, especially those who use regular or gloss finish stickers as giveaways.
They Are Practical
Matte has a lower risk of scratching compared to gloss, and its texture also helps prevent visible marks from scratching or folding. Matte is waterproof and works well in outdoor conditions. It can also be wiped clean so it can be easily displayed outside with little worry on buildup of dirt and grime. Furthermore, most matte finishes allow people to write on the material, which can expand your options on design and functions. For example, you can give out stickers that serve as sticky notes or mini puzzles.
Express Stickers prints budget-friendly stickers at high quality. For other services offered, visit their website or check out a nearby branch now!